Tuesday, March 26, 2013


English 10H students,
      Next time, March 28th and 29th, we will be having our Words of the Day Quiz. It will be a harder and more in-depth quiz than normal. You will be quizzed on the 10 AP Language rhetorical terms (anaphora, anadiplosis, epistrophe, apostrophe, alliteration, synecdoche, oxymoron, litotes, zeugma, asyndeton).

This quiz will differ from the previous because you will not be quizzed on the definitions of the words, but your ability to create examples and explain why those examples are good uses of language. You will also have to recognize examples that I create and explain why they are well-written or what they accomplish.

ALSO, depending on what each individual class chooses, we will have the TMU Test on the next 10 word roots on Thursday or Friday as well. It tests students' abilities to match the roots with their definitions, define words in context, create words to fill blanks in sentences, and remember words that the roots are in.

Both of these assessments will be very important to students' grades, so it would behoove them to study well. Thanks.

                -Mr. Durham

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

English 10H Extra Credit and other due dates

10th Grade Honors English students and parents. March 8th and 11th is the date of our figurative language and poetry test. Be ready!!

Also, March 14th and 15th - POETIC PANTHEON group projects are due!!

This term, you have an opportunity for extra credit. You can get a little bit of extra credit for visiting this site:  http://thepoetsgarret.com/list.html and writing a poem in one of these forms: Villanelle, ZaniLa Rhyme, Ya Du, Ropalic, Rondeau, Rubaiyat, Go Vat, Cavatina, Triolet, Aubade. Then, explain the trouble you had writing it and your process and what you tried to "do" in the poem.

You can get even more extra credit for reading a Shakespeare play that you have never read before and writing a 1 1/2 to 2 page essay on it in MLA format.

Both of these extra credit assignments are due by March 15th. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you want some insurance, do one of these assignments. Your extra credit points will be based on how good of a job you do on either assignment. So, try hard or don't expect big results.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Research Paper - Film Lit


1.       Pick some aspect of movies/film. Research that thing. (This can be cinematography, animation, music in movies, the Oscars, an actor, an actress, etc.)
a.       This is going to take a little bit of effort on your part. Use the internet, find RELIABLE sources. You may even want to go to a few libraries. If you have the opportunity to go to the Orem Library, I would definitely take that opportunity! They have many choices there. If you have any books at home or have friends that have books about film, that would also work out quite well.
b.      If you wait until it gets close to the end of the term, you are not going to be able to get it done in time then your grade will suffer as you get a zero for this very important assignment.
2.       Write an essay that shares with me what you learned from the book and what insights you got. Really try to find some interesting information that helps you to understand filmmaking even more clearly.
a.       If you researched an actor, what insights do you now have about that actor? What were interesting stories that were told? What movies did he/she act in and why were they important?
b.      If you researched cinematography, what camera shots did they talk about? What movies did they single out as having the best cinematography EVER? What things do you now know about cinematography that you didn’t before?