Wednesday, May 2, 2012

9TH - Lit Circles Final Presentation

Our Theme: Who determines the worth of a human being?
Responsibility: Each group must give a 3 to 5 minute presentation on how their book illustrates the theme above. During the presentation, each group member must speak (and must speak as part of the main idea of the presentation, not just to say “yes” or “no” or “okay”). Each presentation must feature a created visual. (This visual can be a PowerPoint or a poster or a Prezi or a video, etc.) The visual should be an important part of the presentation.
As the presentation is only 3 to 5 minutes, all of the time should be used to intelligently explain how the book relates or explores the theme. Don’t waste time with really long summaries and be a little careful about revealing the end of the book. If the ending is so important that it must be divulged to answer the question, so be it. But, if you can avoid it, do.
Get with your group and try to come up with a clever presentation. I would start with discussing the theme and how you think your book deals with it. Make connections and expand to other themes if you can. Decide what sort of visual you want to make as well. Maybe a poster could show some of the ways the theme is addressed, maybe a PowerPoint with quotes from the book and you could flip through the slides and talk about what the quotes represent, or maybe a video reenacting the most important scenes where the worth of a human being is being judged, etc.
It’s all up to you. Feel free to chat with me about your ideas and remember that this is your final project so, though I will grade it quickly, make sure that you put the proper effort into it.

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