Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Another 10H UPDATE - Due Dates, etc.

The students should now have finished The Great Gatsby in their reading at home. The Chapter Song Explanations were due on the dates listed in the previous blog post from a few weeks ago. The 20 vocabulary words from the novel were also due on April 30th/May 1st.

The students have had a big Gatsby quiz that they completed in groups. It was more of a "work together to find the best answers" situation. Though it was a quiz, I was hoping to get them to look more closely at some of the symbols and the important themes.

ON MAY 16TH, THE STUDENTS HAVE THEIR PERSUASIVE ESSAY DUE ON THE GREAT GATSBY. I handed out the prompts which also explains the specific things I will be looking for when I grade them. Feel free to email if you have questions.

The students have two more tests that they will take. The first is on MAY 2nd/MAY 3rd. It is on three grammar concepts: appositives, semi-colons, and possessives. If the students have listened well and practiced with us when we have practiced in class, they should be prepared or now what to study or what to ask me questions about. No one has asked any questions, so they seem to feel they are prepared.

The last test will most likely be May 20/May 21. It is on ethos, pathos, and logos and those are important concepts for their essay. So, the test will be designed to remind them of those concepts right before they turn in the essay.

Thanks for all of your help and support. I appreciate you and your student.

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